Thursday, July 24, 2014

Sunshiny day

During quilting
A friend of mine is very ill, and I wanted to make her a warm, cuddly lap quilt.

Quilt taking shape on the wall behind me
For inspiration, I asked for her favorite colors and without hesitation she said, "pink, purple and yellow!" I began cutting free form strips (no rulers!) and pieced the colors together in a pleasing gradation.
During the quilting stage I filled her quilt with hearts and words such as Love, Hope, Joy and the names of her husband, two children and faithful canine companion. I hope it brings some cheer to her days.

I filled the quilt with words of inspiration, love and hope.


  1. These colors remind me of frozen popsicles in the summer. Yummy and fresh!

  2. I remember those popsicles! Such fun summer memories... Thanks for your comment!
